The electric machine design industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Designs need to be developed in short timescales, integrated and designed as part of a wider complex system, and designed to be manufactured at scale. Engineers who design electric machines need simulation tools that can be employed for quick, accurate product development.  Ansys’ electric machine design flow provides a complete virtual prototyping laboratory for machine design and development.

The Ansys electric machine simulation platform provides a complete solution for electric machine design and development. From the initial concept design stage to detailed multi-physics analysis and system validation, Ansys can provide a seamless end-to-end solution with couplings and automated workflows between various specialist tools.

The first piece in the workflow which covers the initial design of the machine with minimal input data to meet the target requirements is mostly done in  Ansys Motor-CAD.  Ansys Motor-CAD facilitates this cutting-edge design approach by providing the electric machine designer with a dedicated multi-physics design tool for electric motors. Motor-CAD provides rapid analysis over wide torque/speed operating ranges enabling comprehensive design space exploration. Within Motor-CAD there is a significant amount of embedded engineering expertise that can considerably expedite the design process. Motor-CAD is used worldwide in many different industries. It is particularly well adapted in the automotive and aerospace sectors where many class-leading manufacturers use it as a fundamental tool in their electric machine development process.

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